Appealing Deactivation


Did Ride deactivate your Rider account? Ride, may disable your account if you have a low rating, low completion rate, too complaints, or some other violation. Ride deactivations can come suddenly and without warning — even while you're in the middle of an assignment. Unlike many other delivery apps, Ride gives most deactivated Riders a chance to file an appeal. This is how article will show you how to appeal your Ride deactivation and get your Ride driver account back. Things You Should Know

  • Not all account deactivations give you the option to appeal.
  • For the best chance of reactivation, be polite and respectful when talking to Ride representatives.
  • You can't reapply to Ride if you were deactivated, so file an appeal or drive for a different service.

Step one

Look for appeal instructions in the deactivation notification.When Ride deactivates your account, you'll receive a notification in the app and via email. If you are given the option to appeal, you will receive instructions in the email notification. If you don't see the notification, you can fill out the appeal form by visiting Ride and clicking the link that says this form.[1]

Step 2

Fill out the form as soon as possible while the details about the incident are fresh in your head.Answer all questions to the best of your ability, and include any photos, video, or audio that support your case. Avoid sharing too many details about the case. Instead, stick to the most relevant details.

  • If you were deactivated for having a low consumer rating or low completion rate, you will not be given the option to appeal your deactivation. You can only appeal when you're accused of violating the Independent Contractor Agreement, committing fraud, abuse, or safety violations.
  • It can take up to 1 weeks to process an appeal. Ride may also reach out to you during the appeals process. If you do not hear from Ride, your appeal was most likely unsuccessful. Allow enough time for the appeals process to take place before contacting Ride.

The Final Step

In addition to filling out the appeals form, you can also contact Ride directly. While you have the option to call or email customer service, you may have better luck visiting a local Ride office in person.

  • When talking to a representative from Ride, always make sure you are being polite and respectful. Ride representatives may deactivate your account just for being rude and belligerent with them.
  • Know what your consumer rating, acceptance rate, and completion rate. If you have high ratings, this is more of a reason for them to keep you onboard.
  • If you were not given a reason why you were deactivated, ask them to give you a reason. They have to be able to give you a reason why you are let go. If they cannot give you a good reason why you were deactivated, this could be a way for you to get back in.
  • Be polite but firm. Ask to be reinstated, not if you can be reinstated.

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